Friday, 15 January 2010

Heading to the knackers yard

I thinks its time I goes!!! after a sugar spikes and a rise in my HBC1 ( or hsbc as I called it) I am to start Metformin, it was ultimately my decision but you cant mess about with Diabetes. I have children and a hubbie to look after, and I cant do that with missing toes/fingers/limbs and ultimately life - and I have myself and college/uni to consider too!

My cholesterol isn't brilliant either so i've to start statins for that. My blood pressure was on the high side 162/95 and the last time it was checked it was 149/90 - so if it doesnt come down, i'm heading for blood pressure tablets too.

I am however having a last hurrah - you cant really drink on metformin, so i'm out tomorrow night with my girlies from college - and i will start taking my tablets on sunday.

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