Tuesday, 23 February 2010

I cant think of a title *scratches head*

Feeling very down and blue at the moment, man flu and hormones aren't helping :0(

Nothing in particular really just having an eeyore day, musing a lot too and thats never good - pondering a lot about Harry really, he brought a flyer home from school about the local scout troop which he could join later in the year. I got to thinking with his quirkiness would he be able to??? I think a lot of it is me, trying to protect him from any potential trouble, but am I causing more problems? Abbie started Rainbows at 5 and I never gave it a second thought, but Harry I just cant let him go. I need people to understand him, some family members are only taking it seriously now he has been seen at the child developement centre, if I could go everywhere with him and just tell people he isnt a bad lad he has a suspected ASD I would - but if I do that will that stop him having a relatively normal life? will people treat him differently if I point out his quirks or will I help him?

I love him sooooo much, but some days I could playfully strangle him, I think I need to get my head round it, I think I expect too much of him, but how do I stop myself expecting too much of him?

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

Ah lovey, big hugs. But why don't you let him try it out and see how he gets on? That's the only way to find out. Thomas started Beavers last year, and he loves it - they get so much out of it, and it could really be of huge benefit to Harry. I would have thought it would be exactly the kind of thing he needs - stuff to keep him occupied, to let him burn off some energy, to help him learn to be with other kids (and adults) without you, to learn new skills and have a fascinating time learning things that he never gave a thought to before. I've never seen Harry be anything but smiley and happy, and he's not one of the kids in the playground that I would ever say is a bad child (I don't see him at home, or in school, so I'm not saying that he doesn't have his problems, just that I've not witnessed him in full-difficultness!) - I think Harry's ace!

Hope you have a less eeyorey day today :)