Thursday, 24 June 2010

Following on

I have lots of people telling me how they are glad i'm back to my normal self, thats its good to see me smiling again, seriously people - how bad was I??  The student / mummy combination was bloody hard going, i'm figuring Uni should be easier, not from a work point of view but from a time management one, but the what if's have set in.

aah sod it, will just see what happens - I know the cap and gown are in my future, so will just enjoy the now and worry about the later - later :0)

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

Exactly the right attitude I should think. Sod it! You'll get it your degree one way or another, like you say - just enjoy the now :) And the fact that you're deferring means that we might end up starting at the same time :D And if not - if I end up deferring myself - I can take Pheebz for a full day here and there for you. Matthew will be bored and lonely when James goes to school, so he'll be delighted to have someone to play with.