Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Alright enough all ready

I have had e-fucking-nough, its all bollocks the whole damn lot of it so far in the past 36 hours

  • Phoebe face planted in the garden
  • Phoebe managed to up end her pushchair and went flying
  • Phoebe managed to fall off the couch twice
  • Harry wee'd on his bedroom floor
  • Abbie had histronics writing my Dad's birthday card after making a mistake after I told her to be careful
  • Harry fell on the school run and nearly skittled Abbie
  • Phoebe was up at the crack of dawn
  • Phoebe has managed to twat her head on a cupboard
  • I managed to push the pram through a ginormous mound of dog shit (CLEAN IT UP YOU LAZY FUCKERS!)
  • I got pissed wet through on the school run
  • put your coats in the bathroom  was taken as dump your coats in the bath
  • Phoebe has drawn all over Abigail's picture so now there is two of them screaming
  • and no-one wants to do their fecking homework
  • Abbie is now shouting at Harry so i've just shouted at her!
Tell you something if I had a valid passport and the money - I would be on a plane right about now

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

Why do you think I went to Barbados alone?! I'm doing the lottery for you lovey - don't you worry, I'm on it!