Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Its my Daddy's birthday


My old man is 60 today and he doesn't really want a fuss ( didnt say anything about a birthday blog though did he!!)

Dad and Abbie

This is El Pedro at Craigy's wedding  - absolutely rocking Jim's Stetson! Thats what I should have got him for his birthday *Facepalm*

I am 36 and i'm not ashamed to say I am a daddys girl and also I'm not ashamed to say just how much I love my Dad, which is a bloody lot ( both my parents in fact)

My Dad is cool - very open minded about trying new stuff, you should see his CD collection its far trendier than mine (Jealous much?). I have been to see Billy Connelly with him -  he was laughing that hard I thought he was going to die (Breathe Dad Breathe)!! we have been to Blackburn Rovers matches, Been to see Rammestein and the Foo Fighters.

Now I get to see him having fun with my kids - I can watch them for ages - if mummy or nana says no, go ask grandad he will always say yes!

Have a wonderful day Dad, see you later for your prezzies and kisses from the kids ( headbutts from Pheebz)

Love you lots you silly old sod!

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

Excellent :D Happy Birthday Sara's Daddy :)