Friday, 5 November 2010

Remember when I said watch this space?

Well I have been a busy bee!!

I am really enjoying writing, I have the love and support of my Beta, Janine AKA Sweetlovincullen and my lovely friends Linda, Natasha and Lucy. All in all so far I have had good reviews for what I have written and boy oh boy do I get giddy when I read my reviews - Thank you all for your kind words you have all made Saz a very happy girlie.

The inspiration for Beautiful Stranger came in the form of Bad Mother's Handbook. Edward in the Twilight films is very confident and not afraid to be out there. Bella is the dorky, less confident one. So I wondered what it would be like if I mixed things up a bit and had a Dorky Edward and a Ballsy Bella.

This the Edward in my story

I Flove Daniel Gale - he is adorkable and makes me want to do this
 Cuddle or Corrupt that is the question??

Hopefully by the time my story ends Galeward will look like this

or this

A girl can dream can't she!!!

I also found on my picture trawl this
 ooooooo this was a toughy but in the end I decided
Do - Tyler
Dump - Art ( Sorry Art, I love you really )
Marry - Daniel

Like I said a girl can dream can't she!!

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