Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Not an Alpha Mum

Nope, not now not ever!!

Abbie brought home a recipe and cookie cutter from school - Please bake these, sell this and what you dont sell bring into school. so plan was I bake them and Abbie decorates them. A fairly simple fool proof ( Saz-proof) plan.

The Recipe - Pudsey Bear biscuits
serves 24!

7oz self raising flour - check
1oz cocoa powder - dont have, its pouring down, not going out - shouldnt be a problem its only an ounce!
4oz caster sugar - check
4oz margerine - check
1 medium egg beaten - check

various thingys for decorating.

  1. Heat oven to  180c  / 350 f / gas mark 4
  2. Mix flour, cocoa, sugar, rub in the marge
  3. Add enough egg to make a stiff dough
  4. Roll out 1/4 inch thick, use bear cutter, place on greased baking tray and bake for 15 minutes.

This will earn me lots of mummy points, my children will adore me, School will thank me, Abbie will gain the respect of all her peers and be uber cool.

Baking take one

Follow all instructions - except chuck all the egg in, wonder why it all running and not rollable, decide to save the day by shoving it in bun cases, bung in oven for 15 minutes actually end up in there for closer to 30!

Baking take two,

Follow ALL the instructions especially with reference to the amount of Egg used

Still cant understand why its so sticky, but not as sticky as take one!!

give up trying to roll it out as its sticking to the rolling pin, resort to flattening it by hand. Use the cookie cutter to produce 8 yes 8!! horrifically mangled bears ( no way I could get 24 of the buggers out of the bloody dough)

Exhbits A - G

So I have 8 bears type things and some biscuity bun type creatures, I fail epically!!! if anyone asks, Abbie made them from scratch by her self  - thats my excuse and i'm sticking to it!


Natasha said...

Fantastic, definite Alpha Mum points for even bothering xx

Lady Wordsmith said...

Excellent! We haven't even tried, so well done for making an effort at all.