Friday 22 May 2009

Nana Molly

This is nana molly easter monday 2009
This is Nana Molly, the pic was taken xmas eve 2008.

Yesterday we laid her to rest, she fought bloody valiantly against brain cancer but she sadly lost the battle last Saturday 16th May 2009.

Let me tell you about Nana Molly, i can really sum her up in one word - Love, She was the kindest, most loving, generous soul I have ever met.

She welcomed me to her family with open arms, and i am all the more blessed for knowing her, i truely am. You know when she collasped the very first time and was taken to hospital, we found out at the same time that Pheebz had heart problems and we had to whip her off down to Alder Hey, Stew and the kids were ill so couldnt come with me, and all Nan was bothered about was me and Phoebe, she had just found out she had terminal cancer and she was more worried about me - she was totally selfless, i know she shed tears in private about her illness but if anyone asked her about it her reply was *it is a bother* and that was it.

Yesterday at her funeral Brookhouse methodist chapel was packed to the rafters with people who had the good fortune to have known and loved her, she was interred at Quernmore methodist Church yard, she is now back with Teddie, and that makes me glad, but to know i wont see her again for a long long time makes my heart hurt.

I want to put here what i never got to tell her.

Nan, Thank you, Thank you for welcoming me into your family and making me feel like one of your own, I know Stew and I didnt always do things in the right way ( Abbie first and then getting married) but you took it all in your stride, and i'm so so glad you had a little strop that made us change our wedding plans, You were so right the day was so much better because of you. I just wish i had known you for longer, but the last ten years have been an absolute pleasure, and i'm so glad you got to meet and love my Children, who absolutely adored you as much as I did, I love you Nan, and i'm glad you are at peace and painfree, but I miss you so much, I will look after Stew and the kids as well as I can.

Heaven has a new Angel and Mary Huddleston that is you, god bless you nan
With all my love

Tuesday 5 May 2009

The end is beginning

Nan is in the hospice, she is getting steadily more confused and upset, she is convinced that she has missed P's christening and its upsetting her greatly.

Its so fucking unfair, she is a kind gentle soul and she doesnt deserve this, she should just drift off peacefully and with dignity, she shouldnt be living her final days in confusion and being scared of where she is, she is a very devout methodist lady very steadfast in her faith, I wish I had her convictions and strength of character, lets just say my life has been blessed for the better in knowing Nana Molly.