Thursday 30 June 2011

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Pic time!

Well done mum!

I'm very proud of my mum, after many years or smoking (40 yrs) she is in the process of stopping smoking :0)

In the past 3 weeks she has only had 2 and half ciggies.

Skinny on zyban is a sight to behold though! She is like a sober drunk - aggressive yet forgetful LOL

Well done mum, we are very proud of you and yes we will still tease you  :0P

Kids are horrible

Following on from my Zumba brag post - Abbie was very interested in the whys and wherefores and how the Zumba Wii worked. I explained that you wear a belt and put your mote in it, and as you jig about copying the screen, you fill an energy meter and you progress through the levels.

Abbie looked me up and down and uttered the immortal words - The belt fits around YOU!! gee thanks Abigail - you sure help me feel good about myself!

Race for Life

This Sunday @ 11 am I am racing for life again, I love it, I don't do very well - but I get a mega buzz for being there and its such an affirmation to do this to raise money for such a worthy cause

Diagnosis Harry

Thursday 7th (next Thursday) we have an appointment with the Dr's for the results of the ADOS and all other assessments on Harry, I really hope we get a diagnosis, at least I will know if its him or my shite parenting.

I am so worried about this but at least we will know one way or the other - if we do get an ASD diagnosis, I am going to staple it to the school doors, so they know its not me.

An ASD diagnosis is fine by me, I don't care it they cant pin it down to aspergers or anything like that - just to know he is on the spectrum is fine by me, so we can get all the help Harry needs and be able to move forward as a family, and not stuck in the limbo we have been in for the last 3 and a half years

Stop Harry Time!!

Just over 2 weeks and its Harry Potter 7 part 2 and I cant wait

Giddy giddy giddy - even though I have read the book several times - I know I am going to sob *gets waterproof mascara* Roll on 15th July


The horns are there to keep the halo straight - or so she says!!

She has so far this week drawn on the walls and the carpet with a dry wipe marker, she has drawn on the nappy holder, the kitchen cupboards, wangled her way on to and off the tra-ma-po-line by her self using a trike and sheer willpower. She also yesterday in the space of about 2 minutes managed to cover herself and my bedding in vaseline. Seriously she is a nightmare, a very cute nightmare!

Harry's Funny

I swear Harry will end up on stage!

On Monday he walked into the living room door - he was bouncing about shouting that he had broken his arm ankle - We soon realised that he meant his ELBOW!!! Harry is unintentionally hilarious and that is a big part of is appeal.

No shades of grey with my boy!


Last week I tried Zumba and it was ace! I can also give Tena lady lights a glowing recommendation as well LOL ( 3 pregnancies, 2 hooogh babies = knackered pelvic floor)

I also got Zumba for the Wii and this is also ace! I had aimed to do 20 minutes a day, I managed Wed, Thur, Fri - I will try better next week

Birthday Blues

Next Friday is my 37th birthday - now usually the week or two before my birthday, I get quite despondent - lamenting the waste of another year and generally hating on myself (more than usual) but this year I am going to tempt fate and say I feel quite chipper, I have uni to look forward to and a whole load of me time (hopefully)

LOL watch me just jinx myself and have the downer of all downers now


I am feeling very much like this today - I have PMT and I need a hug and I want to cry. I have cried today over the most steeeeoooooppppiiidddddd things. I am fighting the urge to have wine and chocolate. I will be strong!

Today I published this

Taking one for the team

This is the fabulous Banner that Evieeden made

I wrote it for this wonderful fundraiser - they have raised nearly £70 thousand dollars for the red cross and its just jaw dropping!

Thank you to everyone who organised this, wrote for this and donated money towards it, you are all fabulous and you should be very proud of yourselves.

My next project

I'm writing a piece for this

A very worthwhile cause indeed. I am planning a Edward X Bella fic - Nerdy Edward Natch! and a side serving of Emmett induced fun (well it makes me laugh)

I need to tell you about Ted. Ted is the most amazing kid I've never met! I am in awe of his family, they are just simply amazing. I hope one day I get to meet the Drummonds, I want to hug them all and drink wine with Sarah.

Here is a little more about Ted and his family  His mum and dad  - John and Sarah, set up this website, you may have even seen some of the BCCA info cards in your local schools. If you have children of any age, read this website - it may just save your child's life - read the symptoms and be vigilant! there are no words to how fabulous Ted is!


Is an teacher enforced inset day - well the teachers are striking. They are unhappy with the Governments plans to their pensions, I cannot blame them, people need to make a stand. Unions are a good thing. The only down side is I have to be on my own with the kids all day.

I'm praying for a nice day - I'm nicking the car off stew and if its a nice day, we are heading willy bob's park

Wish me luck!

I am a bad mummy

I was bragging about my whoopee cushion prowess - I had a captive audience (well Abbie and Harry) I inflated the cushion, put it on the arm of the chair, parked my fat arse on it  there was a huge farting noise, a wobble of arse and WC and a pop as the Whoopee cushion gave out and popped. Harry was devastated that his mummy killed his whoopee cushion with her big fat bum. He has told several people this :0(

To assuage my guilt, I ran uptown today and bought him a new one, a self inflating one which my arse is going no where near!

Catching up - but I have a good excuse!!

The little box that all  my online friends live in was broken.

Fidgety child + red wine + Laptop  = unhappy Saz!!  - would just like to point out that fidgety child didn't have the red wine, I was putting down the red wine while telling fidgety child not to fidget, and was kicked by said fidgety child, there was a slopping of alcohol, a massive amount of shouting, a failed windows service pack all culminating in a week long abstinence from the internet :0(

This was fixed by my uber fabulous hubbie - who acquired a new keyboard and spent 12 hours sorting out the service pack.

So Now I have 16 blogs to sort out - on with the show

Monday 13 June 2011


I've put Beautiful Stranger on hiatus, and I've deleted some one shots I did - I'm not feeling the love at the moment. I am however working on two Carlisle x Bella fics and a one shot for the comp that is currently running.

Why does my mojo keep fucking off??? I would love a few days just to write, that would be epic!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Brain update

Along with getting rid of deadlines, I have also finished my CBT - I am feeling okay at the moment, I have lots of information; negative self esteem issues, thought diaries, worry trees and a lot on biased expectations. I'm getting there, slowly but surely :0)

Heat is my nemesis!!!

Twice I have burnt my hand in the last week.

I was distracted by Rob while ironing and burned my hand and then I forgot what I was doing while cooking tea and tried to adjust the pan runner thingys on the hob and burnt the pads of my Thumb and index finger - there may or may not have been some swearing (there was believe me - a lot!!)

Cold water is my friend

Events in June

Quite a few this month
  • My cousin Mike's birthday - 34
  • My Mums Birthday - 57
  • Mum and Dads wedding anniversary - 38 years
  • Brett and Adele's first wedding Anni
  • Auntie Viv's birthday - 56
Lots of cake occassions :0)

Hating on co-stars

Small minority of fandom get a fucking grip! If you keep hating on Rob's co-stars making them uncomfortable, threats etc - no one will want to work with him! you will render him unemployable! He will fade into nothingness - which will be an absolute fucking shame.

Rob is allowed to talk to other women, he is allowed to laugh with them and he is allowed smile at them. Just because he is away from Kristen doesn't mean he is going to run off with another woman. So ladies of the minority get a grip or risk being bitch slapped!

Fandom for Storms

I am writing for these guys

It is a very worthy cause!

This is my banner

My Story is called Carlisle Cullen: a series of firsts

The Carlisle we all know and love is very strong and the patriarch. What if he isn't? What if he is shy, bumbling, nerdy Carlisle?? My story will be short (7-8 chapters) chronicalling Carlisle as he moves through life.

No More Deadlines!

I am a silly moo, this has been well documented! I keep having epiphanies - my latest is deadlines. I keep giving myself deadlines.
  • get myself off anti-depressents
  • get well before I go to uni
  • get all my fics written and published
I am driving myself insane, so it stops now, things will happen when they happen

Zen Saz!!

My new ink will be

.................................. This

 Its Japanese for Worthy of love - it will be going on either the inside of my forearm or my wrist on my right arm.

I am doing this to remind myself that I am worthy of love, family, my children, Stew and my friends.

On Friday

Stewbert and I went to watch this

Bloody fantastic!!! I want to go and watch it again!!

i'm drifting

Away from writing Edward x Bella fics and I am hurtling towards Carlisle and Bella fic (both reading and writing them)

I adore Carlisle Cullen / Peter Facinelli - he is the alpha dilf

Jackson Rathbone

I Have made no secret of my appreciation for Rob Pattinson, Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz - I will also admit to having an appreciation of Taylor Lautner. The only one that I just cant get my head around is old Jbone.

Jackson I sincerley apologise - you are a good looking gent, but you just look grubby! Brunette and Tats are hawt but I just dont feel the love for you. I am so sorry :0(

The first pic is probably my favourite, but the rest I just want to chuck him in the bath and scrub behind his ears.

To all Jacksper fans, forgive me!


Tomorrow (13th) Harry is being observed in school and then we are taking him up to Longlands for his ADOS (Autisitic disorder observation sheet) tomorrow afternoon. This is a double edged sword for me - we could finally get the diagnosis and the help we need with Harry. On the flipside we could also find out there is nothing wrong with him and we are just shit parents - I know in my heart of hearts its the former - I dont think I could cope if its the latter

Catching up AGAIN!

Seriously peeps, I really need to get my arse in gear - I've been blogging now since the first of January and it takes me minutes to do, so I should do it everday not leave it to a mass bloggage.

one down - 11 to go *rolls eyes*