Monday 18 July 2011


Okay - Blogger is not happy

So will be back later - 6 to go


Summer holidays

Starts at 15.15 tomorrow - YAY for not having to get up and rush in the morning. POO for 7 weeks, yes SEVEN weeks of all 5 of us under one roof. I have a list of stuff that needs doing so hopefully that should keep us all occupied! I had decided to do the hols without drinking, but I may end up in the nut house, so will stop drinking in Sept to have a clear head for uni

more music

and this one

This one makes me want to buy Roller boots ( I had some in my yoof and i'm hanjering for more)

music I like

LMFAO - I shouldnt like this but I do

My Nokia

Went to phone heaven, taking loads of phone numbers and stuff with it. T-Mobile wouldn't let me upgrade early without loosing the fab contract I am on. So I jumped ship to ORANGE and snagged a fab deal and this little beauty

 How did I survive without a blackberry before now?

Today Lancaster looks like this

Wet, Wet, Wet

Diagnosis Harry part two

My Gorgeous sunny boy has Aspergers also known as HFA (High Functioning Autism). Harry scored 13/22 on his ADOS which definiately puts him on the Autistic Spectrum (any score over 7 and he would have been on the spectrum).

Stew and I were a bit blindsided to be honest, believe me there is a BIG difference between thinking and knowing. I had a teary moment or two the night of the diagnosis and woke up the next morning thinking - Fuck It!!!!!

Now we move forward and help Harry any damn way we can - I am Mama Bear hear me roar!!!


to catch up - had a real disinclination to blog. Have been feeling better maybe thats why?

Wednesday 6 July 2011


Harry has his appointment at Long lands - I'm hoping we will finally get the diagnosis we have been waiting 3 years for, but I'm really not trying to get my hopes up.

I feel quite bizarre I don't know whether to laugh or cry really. We will be out of limbo but it will be all official either H has ASD or I am a shit parent.

Either way I'm making sure I have plenty of wine on tap!