Friday 22 August 2008


35 weeks, 35 weeks how thw blue did that happen??????????

3 weeks on monday till the week she arrives CHUFFING HELL!!!!!!

mild panic has now set in, its now mild but its rising

feeling very antsy at the moment, not sleeping well ( fecking understatement), my back and hips ache ( physio referrall on the way) i'm knackered and i just want one nights full sleep, one where i dont have to get up to wee 3 times, one where i dont lose the feeling in both my arms, one where my right legs doesn't hurt and one where my bump doesnt feel like its going to drop off if i lie on my side, pillow under the bump and between the knees really doesnt help.

I have tummy ache too, which makes a change from being bunged, but not a pleasant change!

Sunday 10 August 2008

ever decreasing arses

10 weeks pregnant = 13st 5lb
20 weeks pregnant = 13st 10lb
32 weeks pregnant = 14st 12lb

so that a stone and a half in 22 weeks, i've dropped a dress size, i have very little fluid apparently so its all baby, she is currently 5lb 7oz, she should be around the 4lb mark, she is the size of a 35-36 weeker, so god only knows what size she will be when she arrives, which could be 37 weeks if i cant get my sugars under better control, well and truly pissed off to be honest

I hurt, i just want to cry, i had to get stew to tie my shoe laces today as i couldnt reach, my back hurts, my legs hurt, I am totally fed up and i hate me right now, i'm shouting at the kids, i just want to curl up in a ball and tell the whole world to Feck right off

5 weeks to go, 5 weeks to go, 5 weeks to go, etc etc etc