Saturday 16 April 2011

Thar she blows!!!!!

Stewbertina Ballerina took the Pheebz to Asda. H and Babs are at my mum's so I deemed Saturday 16/4 a good day for me to go swimming.

I was up early so scoffed my breakfast as per the book (2hrs before exercise). I headed off to Salt Ayre while S & P headed off to shop. I have not been this nervous in a long time. I cannot actually remember the last time I properly swam. About halfway through my swim, and watching other normal people, I came to realise I have a very bizarre flayling type of swimming motion. I scoop with my arms in a vague breast stroke motion. I have one leg doing the froggy breast stroke leg and the other doing a front crawl kick - seriously how I get from one end to the other is a bloody miracle!

I opted for the slow lane with the goal of 20 lengths, I thought this was a tad extreme, so opted for a lesser goal of 10, I felt good after 10, so I thought I would another 5. I did another 4 then ended up gassing to one of Stew's friends Dr Paul who was in the fast lane. Dr Paul is a mentalist (said with love) as he does triathlons - see a mentalist!!!

After a chinwag, I set off again and did 6 lengths almost back to back. I felt brilliant 20 length target hit. Cue Rocky music as I exited the pool, and ended up on the floor  - My legs gave out under protest I think - Cue cute young lifeguard boy asking me if I need help.  I got up pretty rapidly and wobbled off into the changing rooms.

I had to have my emergemcy chocolate frog  and a bottle of water in the changing rooms. Hypo's are fun (NOT). I managed to get dressed after checking facebook and twitter on my mobile, and headed on out to meet S&P, I was so shaky by the time I got to the car, I ended up eating 2 hot cross buns, 2 jammy dodgers on the way home and then choccie once I got home.

This is what I hate about being diabetic and the eating before exercise thing - Do I risk a hypo or a stitch?

I am so proud of myself for doing the lengths but all my hard work is wiped out eating the crap to bring my blood sugar back up. Tis a strange feeling being proud of yourself whilst being angry at your pancreas.

I need to get some glucose tablets before my next swim

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

Well done! You've made the start :) Don't worry about eating the crap. But next time can you eat something more healthy to get the blood sugar up?

20 lengths?? How do people do this? I cannot swim one length, seriously. I cannot swim.