Sunday, 22 May 2011

Diabetic epiphanies

I had a bit of an epiphany the other day – a real light bulb moment, I have been unsuccessfully trying to lose weight. I realised that I am indeed eating too much in a day; however I also realised that I am making sure I have plenty to eat as I am scared of having a hypo.

I am thankful that I get plenty of warning when a hypo will strike: feeling waffy, fluctuating body temp and if I get too far on the shakes. Now normally eating / drinking something sugary will sort me out, but the last few hypos I have had have been quite nasty. They have completely wiped me out and I have needed to sleep… not a nana nap – an actual physical need to shut my eyes and sleep and recover.

I can’t do that though especially if I’m home alone with the chaos fairy. So somewhere in my feeble brain, the thought that if I eat a fair chunk then my hypo risk lessens and the chaos fairy will be safe with her diabetic mother, I need to stop this, I need to eat little and often (2 hourly) and stop being such a soft get. I carry glucose tablets with me, these buggers work fast! 

So I need to let go a bit and hopefully the waistline and ‘mungus arse will shrink a bit.

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