Tuesday 3 June 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

okay stop the world, I want to get off - I just need a minute or 20 to catch my breath, Im shattered and i cant think straight.

everything is milling round in my head and i cant get any peace, Potty training is a major source of angst and pressure at the moment, so far this morning Harry has pissed on the couch at around 7ish this morning, he was then dry till we come back off the school run, asked him if he needed a wee NO! put him on the potty anyway huge wee follows. two further wees on the potty Then he had a wee while i was crying down the phone to my mum, he toddled off into the kitchen, stopped ran back to his potty stopped and had a wee!!! YAY!!!!! he was trying to hi-5 my mum down the phone which was sweet.

Since then he has parked his arse on the potty, wandered off, stood over the potty and peed on the floor, then started screaming when i asked him to sit down or if he wants to try standing up then go to the toilet, peed in the potty and then put his cars in it ( never even said that he had done anything he usually does) and then just sat there next to the potty and weed on the floor, its getting to the point where im getting ratty with him, and shouting which is no good for me or him, ithink i am gonna give up for the day and put him in pull ups till tomorrow, i have cried enough today ( including in the school yard this morning) and im worn out with it

Mum thinks i'm getting depressed again and wants me to go to the drs, they wont do anything so there is no point, Im tired, still not fully over the sinus infection, and just feeling very pressured to get harry potty trained as I know i havent got the luxury of time and other people arent helping with that and are making me feel more pressured as they keep on pointing out that we havent got time and its not going to happen like we need it too, Harry isnt gonna twig over night, its not fecking humanly possible to force a child to be toilet trained if they are not ready for it.

He is on the potty now watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse, and after that he is back in pull ups and will stay that way for the rest of the day, as im just getting more and more wound up and thats not good for baby boo on board, if i'm in the house he can run round in the nudey, if i need to crack on with jobs upstairs then he goes in a pull up, if we are out and about he is in a pull up, and if anyone has any objections to that - they can go forth and fornicate!

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