Monday 16 June 2008

updates and rude people on buses

25+3 - Bubbie is VERY active, does this girl ever sleep?? nope I think she is taking lessons from Harry, she is growing well, not to sure how well to be honest, wasnt measured or anything at my last appointment, so roll on 9-jul-08 for a growth scan and appointment, I am also going to request the 19th Sept as an induction date ( will be 38+6 then) and its a friday so it gives me the weekend to sprog and get my head round things before the school run on the monday.

Potty training - no further forward really, put him in pull ups he will wee in them, put him in undies, if the potty is in sight he takes them off and wees in the potty, no potty in sight he wees in the undies, not really confident enough to try a trail run anywhere with undies on as he is not telling us he wants to go, and like I just typed, if there is no visual prompt of a potty he just wees where he stands. On the whole i think its starting to click into place, but I have finally got my head round that its his schedule we are on not, mine or starting school or his daddies either. We are seeing his nursery teacher soon, so will broach the subject with her then, and i know it would be better for him to be dry sooner rater than later but if he is not ready its not going to happen.

And finally rude people on Buses! yes you, you foul mouthed woman on the bus home this morning, talking really loudly on her mobile phone and the language, the air was f*cking blue ( did you see what i did there?) F this and F that, bear in mind that the bus was full of old biddies and people with under 4 year olds, no bloody decorum or consideration, now dont get me wrong, i enjoy a good swear as much as the next person ( this depends of course if the next person is Ozzy, then maybe not that much!!!) but there is a time and a place for the more fruity aspects of the queens english and on a packed bus is not one of them!

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