Saturday 20 March 2010

The secret diary of Sara Atkin aged 35 and 3/4

(The title for this blog was inspired by Lisa Corney-Hargreaves)

Hoe kay - The daily blogging hasnt quite gone to plan, either lack of time or general blahness seems to have gotten in the way.

Its been a rollercoaster week at Chez Atkin - the car decided it fed up with life as a car and prompt broke, latest report for the garage is it's the head gasket thats gone and repair is estimately at £600.00

Pheebz and me both had a trip to the quacks on Monday, I warned Dr P that Phoebe doesnt like having her chest listened to and she may scream and she goes off like a car alarm, The little mare sat there as good as gold and let him listen, she is currently on Anti b's for a suspected chest infection. My diagnosis is Neurotic (reactive)Depression, There you go folks its official i'm neurotic, but I probably could have told you that any way!! Aparentely its just a class of depression and nothing to worry about, i've upped my happy pills to 2 a day and strangely enought I think they are working already!

Wednesday was a big day for me, I had my interview at UoC for the Radiography course, I think it went well, the interviewer said that I had interviewed will so now we wait and see, I had my nails done in the morning so I felt quite glam, and I had my most comfortable heels on ( not that bloody comfortable tho' as I had blisters on the soles of my feet) The bus station was a bloody long way  away  from St Martins and Busy Bees was a bloody long way away from the bus stop, I did have Lady Gaga on my Ipod, but the heels made me have a weird swishy Laydee walk, Catwalk Saz thats me!!

Harry warry woo has been at the fore front of this week as well - SALT appointment on Monday, he is being reffered for a hearing test and possibly a auditory processing test as well. Thursday we were back to longlands for a review and the upshot is they are going down the Aspergers route with Harry rather than a delay, I also spoke to the SALT again and he has strongly advised that H have support in school as he struggles with comprenhension and that could have a BIG knock on effect on his learning and his his ability to have a conversation - its like pulling teeth some times. I mentioned all this to his teacher at parents evening and she said that its just what she suspected and that she feels that harry will need support in school but maybe when he gets to yr2  - makes  bloody change its usually we feel he doesnt need support, but then again she was in a room with just me and stew and maybe we looked like a pair of hired goons LOL

there is more to say but I need to rescue my rents from the woo so will finish this later

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