Sunday 24 October 2010


I went to Carlisle, the place of my birth, my home for the first 7 years of my life.

Mum, Me, Eldest, Middle and Small went to visit Shirley monster (My Gran). It was a short, sweet but very stressful. Middle decided to draw a ruddy great stick figure in brown wax crayon on Shirleys nice new cream carpet!!!!! Fuck sake that boy will be the death of me - now before you wield your harsh mummy stick - I need to say that my grandmother isnt the nicest human being on the planet ( put away the bad granddaughter stick too) She isnt the nice, cuddly doesnt matter if you make a mess kind of granny. She is the dont touch that, dont breath on my nik-naks, use a coaster kind of Granny. I dont actually remember the last time if ever she told me she loves me.

She is all for show and that hurts, I met a friend of hers today and she told me that she had heard a lot about me and the kids, I jokingly said "All good I hope!" "No" was my grans reply. There are loads of biddys in Carlisle that think our family are Satan spawn - we are not we are just keeping our distance from the mental and emotional hassle we get.

She is single handedly the reason why I never use the word Stupid in the same sentence as my children. I am her only grandaughter (the other 5 are boys) and I have told i'm stupid and fat on more than one occasion, she is a charmer isnt she!!

So lets just say i'm not as angry with Middle for drawing on the carpet as I should be!

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

No, I wouldn't be angry with him either! I don't use the word stupid in the same sentence with my children's names either - it's one of the most awful and damaging things a grown up can say to a child.