Sunday 16 January 2011

Confidence is a cruel mistress

So here is my plan - apply to uni, hopefully go to uni and get a degree in willy and foof related things and then teach or at least work with kids / young adults - I love this plan.

So WHY oh chuffing WHY am I having a wobble of epic proportions about it? I had a dream sequence type thingy. I was sat in a class room and I was the oldest one there, I was looking down on myself watching as they were all laughing at me.

When I woke up I was quite prepared to pull my application. I am a tit of epic proportions. Be prepared to talk me out of things peeps, I may need talking down at some point.


Melanie said...

willy and foof, titt....I can talk to you about them... Of you mean talk you down from quitting.. YOU CANT QUIT!!! Your awesome!

Melissa 'Sa' said...

Honey, I have the same fear about being the oldest there. What would you say to me if I was considering not going?

and yeeees, will they be teaching you the proper terms for willy, and foof? Or are those the proper British terms?

Sazzle said...

One of our first lessons will be about what we know and we have to write all the words, names and slanf we know for willies and foofs, I have already started my list LOL

Melissa 'Sa' said...

That's hilarious. Isabelle called it her Lily yesterday I think.