Wednesday 30 March 2011

Ink Fever

I want more ink, I want more ink, I want more ink, I need more ink - lack of the monetary stuff means no ink at the moment.

This is what I have at the moment

 I want to extend this tattoo  - I want a swirl of stars to go up onto my left shoulder and then diagonally down to my right hip to cover the celtic knot disaster I have there.

Note to self kids - when picking a tattoo dont just pick the first bit off the first bit of flash you come too - Think long and hard and pick something that REALLY means some thing to you - all my other tats have a story behind them. Make sure yours count!

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

Let's save up really hard, and get ink next year ... or maybe the year after :OS

Aaaaggh, I need more ink too!
