Wednesday 30 March 2011

Crisis of Confidence

I hate this - I am currently experiencing one. I am ready to give up

  1. Fanfiction writing
  2. All ideas of going to uni
  3. Facebook and twitter
I want to become a hermit and hide away. I am foolish to have ideas above my station - I am rubbish and I know my place!

I wont give up anything its just an urge that I will not act upon - Pinky swear!

1 comment:

Lady Wordsmith said...

You have a crisis of confidence about once a week at the moment! You are an excellent writer of fanfiction - you have to allow this fact to sink in. Rejection is part of writing, but it's a small part, and you cannot allow it to bring you down. I've had rejection too, criticism and people just saying that they don't like what I write. Well, that's up to them, we don't all have the same taste, and that's fine. I don't like what everyone writes either.

You're a fabby and ace person, you daft mare. But if you like I will tell you once a week :D