Friday 18 March 2011

Teacher Training Day

They sprung this on on us, sneaky devils, it wasn't on the official holiday closure list and the timing is a bit suss too - the day after St Patricks day *strokes chin thoughtfully*. Yes I am sure it had nothing to do with Guiness or whiskey drinking at all**

So a whole day in the house with the minions? I think not! So we went to the post office, dropped off the table top stuff for Stewart, McDonalds and home, then off to the Zone for a play with Linda and the kids. We agreed a time - 1pm - but we sort of glossed over where. Come 1pm I'm at the zone and Linda is sat outside my house LOL we are a pair of dizzy mummies!

We eventually met up and the kids ran riot, it was really good. I think only our school was off, so apart from some babies - the kids had the place to themselves. Linda and I set the world to rights over coffee/tea/slushies and crisps.

Linda had her new and very gorgeous lime green Doctor Martins boots on. They are very lush and very Linda (bright and cheerful not loud and garish - I know what you are thinking!)

Thomas was telling me that Lucy, Abbie and himself are the fab three - they are an elite trio of spies who meet at school at midnight ( no wonder Abbie is so bloody tired!)

We did have a mumming incident - the kids were messing about in the toddler bit (sans toddlers) Then a couple of mummies with toddlers wanted in so they got the manageress to shoo out lot out of there and into the main play area again. The kids complied without question or tantrum (we have trained them well). Linda and I laughed as the manageress looked very apologetic for telling them off. We gave her a huge smile - she looked relieved that we weren't going to kick her head in LOL (We may be slummies but we are pacifist slummies.)

I love Linda to bits - you can have a really good indepth chat with Linda and next minute we can be giggling like school girls because one of us said something rude.

Today we were chatting about Linda's mum, Denise, who is currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer. Her hair has started to fall out but Denise isn't phased at all. She is taking it all with great aplomb and grace and a wicked sense of humour. I am sending her lots of love, light and blessings for a quick fight and speedy recovery.

We also chatted about what we are writing about - Linda has a couple of manuscripts on the go and she is a regular Hubber - Linda is covetting a 'Hub Nugget' - personally I think it sounds quite painful and should require prescription strength cream to clear it up!

I have hubbed (once) and i'm rather scared by it to be honest, I can blather on and on on my blog but Hubs are like proper writing for proper writers like Linda innit!

I love blogging, its my outlet, the 365 project is proving interesting. I'm finding it hard to remember to blog everyday - I seem to be doing it in fits and starts and I'm playing catch up at the moment. Hopefully by the 31st of December 2011 there will be 365 blogs, otherwise I know how I will be spending NYE 2011.

I never know when  inspiration for blogs may hit so I have taken to carrying a pen and paper with me at all times - like now I'm putting the kids to bed. I can get the blog bouncing round my head on to paper and then I can type it up later ( like i am doing now, eating toast and watching celeb juice)

Blimey i'm a Chatty Cathy tonight, So I will sign off this blog and ramble on to my next - Toodle oodles *waves*



Lady Wordsmith said...

You are a proper writer, a filth writer - I couldn't write filth like that, on account of being a prude!

Enjoyed your company too lovey, it was a good laugh, and very relaxing. Must do it again at Easter :)


Sazzle said...

You only love me for mine smutty mind LOL