Thursday 26 May 2011

Steal my Thunder why dont you!!!

Yes Aphid I am talking to you! Curse you Gerry the Greenfly!

This morning was epic for all the wrong reasons - The pushchair broken, well the raincover broke and snaggled up the wheels, which dragged the raincover under the wheels, which caused a tipping motion that buckled the hood. This happened several times! The most epic was on the school run crossing the road.

I made sure it was clear to go and asked the kids to cross, I stepped forward and raincover snaggage occurred, so I stepped back, the kids stepped back too, so I told them to go again as it was still clear and they just stood looking at me.

Once I had got everything sorted (there may have been some swearing) I crossed over to the kids, asked them to face me, put on my most stern mummy face and told them ( as I have several times before) if I say go I mean GO!

The kids looked suitable sheepish with my ire and wrath, Abigail opened her mouth to speak - this is most unusual, an Abigail apology - but no she uttered the words ............................... Mum you have a bug on your lip.

A chuffing green fly stole my thunder, impressed I am not!

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