Tuesday 20 May 2008

Today, I am mostly wearing ranty pants

*B*A*D* *M*O*O*D* *A*L*E*R*T*

Geez louise, do I feel crappy, the cough from hell is back, so tena ladies a go go, I'm coughing that much its making me retch ( watering mouth almost to the point of vomitting) and its teamed with the heartburn from hell.

On top of which Harry, my little darling boy, my light of my life decided that he would get up at 1.45am, 2.40am, 3.20am, 4.00am and then finally 4.10am at which point he conked out and the slept till 7.30 ( GIT!)

I feel like shite, and so very very low, and the black thoughts are rolling in, mainly about breastfeeding, if i cant cope with Harry getting up thru the night, how the blue blazes am I going to cope with a newborn possibly feeding every 2 hours???? I know it will be different in that Im not going to be pregnant, and i suppose i can catch an hour or so after the school run, but i'm just so so scared that the PND will come back<>

The merits of breastfeeding appeal to me big time, the benefits to the bubbie, the conveinence of it, the costs involved (none).

I'm just so scared of being a failure again, I failed the other 2 and i so want this one to be different, and i'm determined that this one will be different, if i keep saying it over and over then I should believe it, just need to kep on top of my negative inner bitch and we will be fine!

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